I think our esteemed professor David Westphal needs to duke it out. His opponent would be Sree Sreenivasan from Columbia University.
In class, David has said that lack of readership is not necessarily the reason why newspapers are dying, but rather the lack of advertising revenue from classifieds (i.e. Craigslist kills newspapers more than online news sources).
Here's a link to the interview:
To make a long story short, Sreenivasan says this to anyone blaming the demise of newspapers on Craigslist:
"That'd be like the train companies complaining that these new fangled things called airplanes came along and people stopped taking trains... I don't like it when people just blame Newmark (sp?) and Craiglist."
Woah! Those are fighting words! You gonna take that sittin down, David? Time to FIGHT!!!
This actually was just an excuse to paste David's head on a boxer's body. :)
My money's on Westphal.
HAHA, that's hysterical!
I always wondered what was underneath his blue shirts and gray pants... ;-)
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