Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Are rhetorical questions annoying?

One of my pet peeves when reading someone else's writing is the cliched use of rhetorical questions, especially when it's in news writing or blogs. I used to be in charge of developing course flyers for the Annenberg School (I actually started the buzz myself because I wanted my job to be more exciting when I first started here, then it was passed on to someone else {{{SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION}}}). Anyway, I wish I could have had a dollar for everytime a professor would give me a course description that had a long stream of rhetorical questions and then concluded with "This course will address those questions."

Maybe I'll find a good piece of journalism that would illustrate this further...

In any case, I got so sick of seeing rhetorical questions.

But then I read through my own blogs and noticed how many times I've used rhetorical questions. I must stop whining about them now. :)

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