Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The TWAPERS are coming

A newspaper in Asheville, North Carolina has seized all printing operations and now will use Twitter exclusively to put out the news, thereby becoming the nations first "Twaper."

I found this on the "E&P Pub," which is another feed from the "Editor & Publisher" website that we follow as a class.

After I saw this I thought about the future and how life will be with "twapering."

"So honey, have you seen the morning twaper this morning?" I would say.

"Yeah, there was a really funny cartoon in the twunnys," my wife would say.

"Aren't they called the funnys?"

"No, they are now called the "twunnys." You need to get with the twimes.

"Well where is the twaper?"

"It's on the twable under the tweacups."

This sounds like someone's idea of HELL to me. I don't want it to happen.

Then I re-read the entry and saw that the whole announcement was April Fool's joke.

Thank god.

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