Saturday, April 25, 2009

Letterman hates Twitter

I don't know if we're still supposed to be blogging or if David and Geoff will grade us down if we don't even though we're in the heat of presentation/take-home-quiz/paper/final-exam crunch time. But just in case they are, here's a tidbit for you who missed Letterman tearing Twitter a new one.

I guess I don't really hate Twitter as much as Letterman does (even though I said "F*)& Twitter" in a previous blog post, I was just being humorously snarky). But I would agree that I just don't see the point and do not want to spend the energy to let everyone know that I'm eating a smoked turkey sandwich (a la the Jimmy Kimmell clip we showed in our class presentation). Anytime I Tweet it's just a reiteration of how much I don't want to Tweet.

What I like about this clip is that Letterman believes that Twitter is the first step in the downfall of our civilization. I recall joking the same thing about Facebook in that the Facbebook servers know everything about everyone on the planet and could amass so much knowledge it will acheive consciousness of itself and take over the world as Skynet did in the Terminator franchise.

The big difference is that I don't hate Facebook. Not sure if that's good news or not.

1 comment:

julien said...

man, this is brilliant!